朝、花を開いて昼ころには萎むので(朝顔)という。茶事の世界では 、朝にしか開かないので、朝茶以外には用いられない。千利休が豊臣秀吉に一輪の花(朝顔)でもてなした話は有名であるが、他に「源氏物語」にでてくる。朝顔、夕顔の巻きもよく知られている。
朝顔は夏期に表現する和菓子には欠かせないお菓子の一つで、朝顔を表現する菓銘は他に「 もらい水 」 「 朝露 」 などもある。
"Amekusa" miso ... Because it blooms when we wake up in the morning and wake up, may it be named like this? Awakening grass is about morning glory.
Morning Glory (Asagao) ... This is an annual vine grass of the Hirugan family, and from summer to early fall, there are many kinds of colorful colors, sizes, sizes and shapes that open up beautiful flowers in a funnel shape.
It is the old name of Chinese bellflower (Kyuko) xylophone (Mukuge), and the autumn seven herbs "Kokigan" is originally from the autumn season as you can see from the ancient name of morning glory family, but now artificially accelerates the flowering season, It looks like a flower that blooms in summer.
In the morning, they open flowers and wither at noon (morning). In the world of tea ceremony, it can only be opened in the morning, so it can not be used other than morning tea. The story in which Senrikyu is treated as a flower (morning glory) in Toyotomi Hideyoshi is famous, but it also appears in the "Genji Monogatari". The morning glory and the evening roll are also well known.
Morning glory is one of the essential sweets for Japanese-style confectionery expressed in summer, and there are other confections that express morning glory, such as "water received" and "morning dew".
早上,他们在中午(早上)开花并枯萎。在茶道的世界里,它只在早上开放,所以除了早茶外不使用。 Senrikyu在丰臣秀吉被称为花(牵牛花)的故事很有名,但它也出现在“源氏物语”中。牵牛花和晚卷也是众所周知的。
posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 17:14|