1101 長楽寺店舗横.jpg

御菓子所 高八
電話  082-872-3718



  夏菓子の定番の御菓子といえば寒天を使った錦玉(きんぎょく)です。猛署に涼一味を感じさせてくれる御菓子で、実際の効果も寒天は保冷製に優れていて、冷やされた寒天は身体の体内でも当分の間、身体を冷ます効果がある御菓子である。 写真は雨にかすむ紫陽花を表現したもの。 



The classic sweet of summer confectionery is Kingyoku using agar.  It is a sweet that makes you feel cool and cool, and the actual effect is that the agar is excellent in keeping cool, and the cooled agar is a sweet that cools the body for the time being even in the body of the body  is there.  The photo shows a hydrangea that is blurred by rain.

 Agar is divided into natural products and industrial products.
 Natural products include Kaku-agar and Ito-agar.  When using, care must be taken because it will not melt easily even if heated unless it is immersed in water overnight.
 It is better to use it depending on the time of immersion in water (warm water), the type of sweets, and the manufacturing method, as thread agar has stronger coagulation and elasticity than square agar.  Both Kaku agar and Ito agar have a transparent clarity that is suitable for Jyosei wagashi.

 Industrial agar includes powder agar and carrageenan.  It does not need to be immersed in water for a long time, and has the convenience of being immediately dissolved in water.However, it lacks transparency and has a very strong coagulation but lacks elasticity, making it suitable for dough for fresh confectionery.  Not often used for inexpensive sweets.

夏季糖果的经典甜点是使用琼脂的金蛋。 一种使您在船尾站处感觉凉爽的糖果,实际效果是琼脂在隔热产品中极佳,而冷却的琼脂则具有使身体暂时冷却的效果,甚至在人体内 有。 这张照片显示了被雨迷离的绣球花。

 天然产品包括Kaku-琼脂和Ito-琼脂。 使用时,必须小心,因为除非将其浸入水中过夜,否则即使加热也不会轻易融化。
 最好根据浸入水(温水)的时间,糖果的类型和制造方法来使用它,因为线琼脂比方琼脂具有更强的凝结性和弹性。  Kaku琼脂和Ito琼脂均具有透明的透明度,适用于Joseosei wagashi。

 工业琼脂包括粉末琼脂和角叉菜胶。 它不需要长时间浸泡在水中,并且具有立即溶解在水中的便利性,但是它缺乏透明性,具有很强的凝结性,但是缺乏弹性,使其适合用于新鲜糖果的面团。 不常用于便宜的糖果。
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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 22:18| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



2ー7ー1にある、レストラン  カリブという飲食店で、ランチコンサートがあったので、行って来ました。
コンサートをして頂いた、THE HOLY HOSTと、言う、ア・カペラ男声四重唱の方々に、歌って頂きました。

Today, for my religion, Taio, Sakamachi, Aki-gun, Hiroshima
 I went to a restaurant called Caribbean at 2-7-1, where I had a lunch concert.
 We had a concert by THE HOLY HOST, a capella male quartet.
 Also, as in the flyer, it was a restaurant where the Seto Inland Sea can be seen beautifully,
 A picture of the Seto Inland Sea will be posted.

 我们参加了无伴奏合唱男四重奏THE HOLY HOST的音乐会。

posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 18:21| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



「楊貴妃」ようきひ・・・小野小町かクレオパトラか楊貴妃(玄宗の寵妃)かといわれる 窈窕(ようちょう)たる美人の代名詞のことで、楊貴妃はまた雨になやめる、中国原産の海棠(うみどう)の花にもたとえられた。

海棠(うみどう)の花のうつつや朧月(おぼろづき)      其   角

"Yo-ki" is a synonym for Yojo, a beautiful woman who is said to be Ono Komachi, Cleopatra or Yang-ki (the royal princess of Gen-jong).  How was it) compared to a flower.

 Sea turtle flowers

“ Yo-ki”是Yojo的代名词,Yojo是一个美丽的女人,据说是小野幸町,埃及艳后或Yang-ki(Gen-jong的皇家公主)。 怎么样)与花朵相比。

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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 10:46| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




撰り分けん蓬の中のつくつくし    眠  虹

"Dust brush": A spore stem from the underground stem of horsetail, which grows in the form of a brush on a bank or field in early spring.  It is also edible. I remember when I was a young child when I was using a brush in the countryside. I miss that my grandmother cooked it.

  Tsukutsuku Sleeping Rainbow in the Chosen Diving Pen

“灰尘刷”:孢子起源于马尾的地下茎,在早春时以刷子的形式生长在河岸或田地上。 它也可以食用,我记得小时候曾经在乡下写毛笔。

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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 14:25| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



「貝寄風」かいよせ・・・陰暦の二月二十二日に大阪四天王寺で聖霊会が行われるもので、 この二十日前後に吹く風のことを貝寄風という。この風が吹くと、仏縁によって貝類が難波の浦へ吹き寄せられて、それを拾い集めて精霊会の筒花を作り、それを聖徳太子の前へ献ずるという故事があったそうです。

貝寄せる  風の手じなや  若の浦   芭  
青柳の泥にしだるる潮干かな     芭  蕉

"Kaiyoseki" Kaiyose ... A holy spirit ceremony is held at Shitennoji in Osaka on February 22nd of the lunar calendar.  When this wind blew, there was a fact that shellfish was blown to Namba no Ura by the Buddha rim, and it was collected and collected to form a tube of the spiritual party, which was dedicated to Prince Shotoku.
 This fact must not be mixed with shiohi clam picking.

 寄 せ
 "Shiohikari" ... picks up shells on the beach at the ebb tide. In the past, this was mainly done on March 3, but in modern times it is more common in April.
 It's a tide that dries in the mud of Aoyagi

“ Kayyoseki” Kaiyose ... 2月22日,在大阪的Shitennoji举行了圣灵仪式。 风吹起时,有一个事实是,贝陀被佛陀吹向难波城,然后收集起来,形成了一个精神党的管子,献给Shotoku王子。

 “ Shiohikari” ...在退潮时在沙滩上捡贝壳,过去主要是在3月3日完成,但在现代更是在4月。

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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 10:46| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




  蝶々のふはりととんだ茶釜かな    一  茶

"Spring dance" ... Speaking of butterflies, it makes you feel the coming of spring, but there are actually summer, autumn, and winter butterflies (frozen butterflies).  Butterflies are a seasonal word for spring, so I think most Japanese sweets appear in spring.

 Butterflies are lepidopteran insects, two pairs of beautiful wings that fly from flower to flower by sucking nectar.
 Kanaichi, a bowl of butterflies

“春季舞” ...说到蝴蝶,它使您感觉到春天的来临,但实际上有夏季,秋季和冬季的蝴蝶(冷冻蝴蝶)。 蝴蝶是春天的名词,所以我认为大多数日本甜点都出现在春天。

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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 09:44| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




“Yayoi” or “Yoyo” is a synonym for March. The name “Yayoi” means that the vegetation has budded and the “Yayou” has changed.  When you go out, you can see the flowers just around this time.  In February, many Japanese ume sweets appeared, but in March many sweets derived from cherry blossoms appeared.  The sweet in the photo is a confectionary called "Hatsuzakura", but it is still a little early for the flowering of the cherry blossoms.

“ Yayoi”或“ Yoyo”是三月的同义词,名称“ Yayoi”表示植被已经发芽,“ Yayoi”已发生变化。 当您外出时,您可以在这段时间看到花朵。  2月,出现了许多日本梅花糖果,但3月,出现了许多源自樱花的糖果。 照片中的甜食是名为“ Hatsuzakura”的糖果,但樱花开花还为时过早。
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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 12:48| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



」「引千切」ひちぎり・・・(難しくは龍舌餅)3月3日は上巳(じょうみ)といい、中国古代の 風習で水辺に出て穢れ(けがれ)を祓う行事があり、それが我が国に伝来し、自分の身体をなでた人形を水に流して穢れを祓う行事となり、それが曲水の宴や雛流しへと発展した。   ひちぎりとは、先端をひちぎることからの名で、子だくさんを意味していて、昔は 母子草(ははこぐさ)「御形・おぎょう・もちぐさ・春の七草の一つ」を使っていたが、今では蓬(よもぎ)を使っている、3月3日に厄除けの意味を込めて草餅を食べるのも、このことから由来する慣わしである。


写真の御菓子は、蓬の外郎生地の上に淡紅色練切きんとん、桜葉入り淡紅色外郎生地の上に白練切きんとん製です。 /strong>

"Hikisenri" Hichigiri ... (It's difficult to make a tongue cake) On March 3rd, it is called "Jomi", and there is an event that goes out to the waterside in ancient Chinese customs to purify the debris.  However, it was introduced to Japan, and a doll that patted its body was washed down in water to purify the filth.  Hichigiri is the name for breaking off the tip, meaning a child. In the past, it used the mother and child grass (hahakogusa), which is one of the Ogata, okyo, mochigusa, and the seven herbs in spring.  However, it is customary to eat soybeans on March 3 with the meaning of evil repellent, which is now using Yongomi.

 Another name is "dai-mochi", which means that a small white mochi that was used in the palace to celebrate birthdays and dressings was hollowed out, and "kodai" was put on top of it.  "It is derived from this, and is generally sweets to celebrate the growth of children.

 The sweets shown in the photo are made of light-colored noodle-cut tongue on Hono's cloth and white light-colored noodle-cut tongue on cherry-red lightly colored cloth.  / strong>

“ Hikisenri” Hichigiri ...(很难做蛋糕)3月3日,它被称为“ Jomi”,有一个事件发生在中国古代习俗中,它在水边净化了残骸。 然而,它被引入日本,拍了拍它的尸体的娃娃在水中被冲洗掉以净化污物。  Hichigiri是折断小费的名称,意为孩子,过去曾使用母子草(hahakogusa),后者是绪方,okyo,mochigusa和春季的七种草药之一。 但是,习惯上是在3月3日吃具有驱虫剂含义的大豆,现在正在使用Yongomi。

 另一个名字叫“大年糕”,意思是挖空了宫殿里用来庆祝生日和敷料的白色小年糕,并在上面放了“ kodai”。  “它是从中衍生出来的,通常是用来庆祝儿童成长的糖果。

 照片中的糖果是用Hono的布上的浅色面条切成舌状,而樱桃红色的浅色布上的白色浅切成舌状。  /强>
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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 12:52| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




"Male chicks and female chicks" are different types of chicks, from Muromachi chicks to Kanei chicks, to Kyoho chicks, and to the era of the era.  Paper chicks, etc.  Moreover, the various events and partitions that accompany the Hinamatsuri further enrich the content.  Hina decorations that can make various arrangements will entertain everyone.  The photo is made of Torou fabric.

“雄雏和雌雏”是不同类型的雏鸡,从室町雏到金井雏,再到巨峰雏,再到那个时代。 纸小鸡等 此外,伴随Hinamatsuri的众多事件和分区进一步丰富了内容。 可以进行各种安排的Hina装饰品将使每个人都开心。 这张照片是用Torou织物制成的。
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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 15:23| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




西の王母だから西王母というわけです。彼女は玉皇大帝(ぎょっこうたいてい)という 道教の最高位の神様の奥様でもあり、女神の中では最高位の神様で不老不死の薬「霊丹妙薬」れいたんみょうやく、や王母桃「蟠桃はんとう」を所有する。長寿の神様です。




"West Queen" Seiobo ... This sweet is one of my favorite sweets.  This sweet comes from a Chinese fact.  As with Buddhism and rice cultivation, steamed buns are also introduced from China, and many sweets and nieces from Chinese facts and customs also appear.

 In ancient China, there were two places called the Senkyo.  Mt. Rensai in the east and Mt. Kunlun in the west.  The owner of Kunlun Mountain is the daughter and daughter (Wanmu Nyan Nyan).
 Because it is a west princess, it is a west princess.  She is also the wife of the highest Taoist god of the Emperor Jade Emperor, and the highest goddess in the goddess.  "Hanto" is owned.  It is a god of longevity.

 Peach is said to be a magical repellent, and has been used as a stick for hermits and as a gift such as thanks. However, eating this peach is thought to last a long life if you eat this peach.  It blooms once every millennium and bears fruit every 3,000 years.  It is said to be very valuable, very small and only about the size of a gun ball.

“西皇后” Seiobo ...这种糖果是我最喜欢的糖果之一。 这种甜味来自中国的事实。 与佛教和稻米种植一样,China头也从中国引入,许多中国事实和习俗中的甜食和侄女也出现了。

 在中国古代,有两个地方叫仙京。 东部的仁赛山和西部的昆仑山。 昆仑山的所有者是女儿(Wanmu Nyan Nyan)。
 因为是西公主,所以是西公主。 她还是玉皇大帝的道教最高神的妻子,也是女神中最高的女神。 拥有“ Hanto”。 这是长寿之神。

 桃子被认为是一种神奇的驱蚊剂,被用作隐士的棍子和礼物(如谢礼),但是,如果食用桃子,则认为桃子可以长寿。 它每千年开花一次,每3000年开花一次。 据说它非常有价值,非常小,只有枪弹的大小。

 西公主祝贺这种珍贵的桃子开业,并举行了“宴会”。 据说在这个盛宴中召唤至尊神佛。 顺便说一句,孙悟空闯入盛宴,横冲直撞,偷桃子。

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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 09:18| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




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