1101 長楽寺店舗横.jpg

御菓子所 高八
電話  082-872-3718




"Iwane Azalea" ... The Golden Week and the Rose Festival are over, but the season for sightseeing is just around the corner. I think you can often go out to a resort.

“ Iwane Azalea” ...黄金周和玫瑰节已经结束,但是观光季节就在眼前。我认为您经常可以去度假胜地。
0518 深山つつじ.jpg
posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 11:07| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



 「潮騒」しおさい・・・潮が満ちて来るときに波が多きい音をたてること。その響きのことで、 「しおざい」ともいう。写真は薯蕷饅頭製で「青海波」せいがいは。を表現したものです。

"Shiosai": The sound of many waves when the tide is high.  This sound is also called "shiozai".  The picture is made of yam buns, and the "Qinghai wave" is used.  Is expressed.

“潮姿”:涨潮时许多海浪的声音。 此声音也称为“ shiozai”。 图片由山药包子制成,并使用了“青海波浪”。 表达出来。
0627 青海波.jpg

posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 10:48| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




麦秋や 埃にかすむ 昼の鐘    太  祇

"Mugi-autumn" Bakushu ... When the wheat was ripe, and the scenery was like rice growing in the fall, I compared the ripeness of wheat in the autumn.  There are many sweets made from wheat around this time.

 Mugi-autumn and the dust-laden daytime bell, Goku

“ Mugi-秋天” Bakushu ...当小麦成熟时,风景使水稻在秋天生长成为可能,并将秋天与小麦的成熟进行了比较。 这个时候有很多用小麦制成的糖果。

0630 外郎.jpg

posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 16:34| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


粽 Chimaki


Speaking of "Samurai" Chimaki ・ ・ ・ (Sakaimaki ・ Shiroku) Speaking of May 5th, the song of "Pillar wounds are compared with the back of the fifth of May, comes to mind," so that it comes to the end of the summer season  It is a must-have confection.
 Because it was rolled with foliage of chi (茅) leaves, it is called 茅.  In general, sugar is added to rice flour to make a long flour (shinko), tightly wrapped with 3 to 5 leaves, and rolled around with leek (igusa).  The slight sweet potato flavor shifts to the real powder, and the light taste is suitable for early summer sweets.  Depending on the shop, there is a variety of types such as salmon daffodils, toro mochi and yotei.

说到“Samurai”Chimaki・・・(Sakaimaki・Shiroku)说到5月5日,“Pillar伤口的歌曲与5月5日的背面相比,想到了”,所以它到了夏季结束 这是必备的甜点。
 因为它是用chi(叶)叶子的叶子滚动所以叫做茅。 一般情况下,将糖加入米粉中制成长面粉(shinko),用3至5片叶子紧紧包裹,然后用韭菜(igusa)卷起。 轻微的红薯风味转变为真正的粉末,淡淡的味道适合初夏的甜食。 根据商店的不同,有各种类型,如鲑鱼水仙,toro mochi和yotei。
posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 10:03| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




Everyone who, Hello, er, it became late,
 I will give you Kashiwa mochi.
 Kashiwa-mochi made from Kashiwa leaves was born in Edo around the time of the Tokugawa 9th Shogun Ieju and the 10th Shogun Ieji.  Old leaves do not fall until new shoots grow, so it is said that the leaves of oak leaves are prosperous (the family line is uninterrupted).  It is thought that the culture of offering Kashiwa-mochi to Edo's festival in Edo was spread all over Japan through a shift in attendance, but until the 1930s, Kashiwa-mochi using kashiwa leaves was mainly in the Kanto region.  Before the walnuts were made from oak leaves, there were mochi wrapped in leaves such as Sartoli rose, and this was popular as Kashiwa mochi in areas where there are few oak natives.  Kashiwa leaves have been imported from Korea and China since then, and Kashiwa mochi wrapped in kashiwa leaves has become the mainstream nationwide.

 柏叶制成的柏年糕在コ川第9幕府将军和第10幕府将军时代左右的江户时代诞生。 柏树的老叶子要等到新芽长出后才能脱落,因此据说它们对后代的繁荣充满了吉祥(家系不间断)。 人们认为,由于出席人数的变化,在日本向江户的节日提供柏茶年糕的文化已传播到整个日本,但是直到1930年代,使用柏叶的柏茶年糕主要在关东地区。 在用橡树叶制成核桃之前,先将麻chi包裹在树叶中,例如Sartoli玫瑰,在柏树本地人很少的地区,这种麻as颇受欢迎。 从那时起,柏叶从韩国和中国进口,包裹在柏叶中的柏年糕已成为全国的主流。
posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 15:02| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



“Sakai”Kabuto ... 5月5日从旧时代吃鲑鱼和鲑鱼,即使有5个季节,因为夏季的季节是“Sakai的节日”,这些词用于匹配“Shobu”的战斗 特别是,他自古以来就特别在武士中表现出了自己的尊重。 在那之后,似乎装饰眉毛和眉毛的习惯普遍存在。

"Sakai" Kabuto ... May 5 eats salmon and salmon from old times, and even if there are 5 seasons, because the season of the summer season is "Sakai's festival", the words are used to match the battles of "Shobu"  In particular, it seems that he has respected this season especially in samurai since ancient times.  After that, it seems that the custom to decorate the eyebrows and the eyebrows has generally spread.
posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 11:54| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




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