1101 長楽寺店舗横.jpg

御菓子所 高八
電話  082-872-3718




"Tetsusenka" Tensenka ... (Chrysanthemum, Tesensenren, Tesensen Kazura) A deciduous deciduous shrub. The stalks are like iron wires, roll up and roll up around other trees. Jagged small leaves appear in double leaves. Six poisoning pieces that are white in June, surround a large number of purple cores, and are poisonous plants that bloom beautiful flowers resembling a two-dimensional (6 cm) direct-line windmill.

“Tetsusenka”Tensenka ......(Chrysanthemum,Tesensenren,Tesensen Kazura)落叶落叶灌木。 茎秆像铁丝一样,卷起来并卷起其他树木。 锯齿状的小叶子出现在双叶中。 6月份有6个白色的中毒片,周围环绕着大量的紫色核心,是有毒的植物,可以绽放美丽的花朵,类似于二维(6厘米)的直线风车。
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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 18:41| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




和菓子の「水無月」について、一般的に外郎生地(他に葛製や新粉等でも作られる。) の上に小豆の蜜漬けにしたものを散らして蒸しあげたもので小豆は邪気を払うものとされていた。菓子の白く三角の形は、氷を象って民間で真似たものとされている。

「名越の祓い」(夏越しの祓い、水無月祓い)・・・六月晦日(六月三十日)の日に行われる。 各地の神社、川社にとって、水辺に斎串を立て新宮が祓いの儀式を行う。その時に奏でる神楽を夏神楽という。また神社の社前に茅の輪を掲げて、この輪をくぐると穢(けがれ)れを祓うといわれる。

0629 Minazuki 1.jpg "Mazu Minatsuki" is a strange name ... Minazuki is a synonym of June in the lunar calendar, and in June in the old calendar the spring is depleted due to the heat of the spring and the water runs out, but the heart with the early summer Anyway, it is said variously.

About "Minazuki" of Japanese-style confectionery, what is generally steamed by dispersing the sweetened azuki bean on sober dough (also made with smoked foods and new flour etc.) It was supposed to be. The white triangle shape of confectionery is assumed to be imitated in the private sector by representing the ice.
It is a pastry used for two events of "the ice festival of the ice" (introduced to the ice room on June 13) from ancient times and Nagoshi's crawling.

"Nagogoshi no Yui" (Summer Passing, Minazuki Haunting) ... It will be held on the day of the last day of June (June 30th). For shrines and rivers in various places, a shrine is set on the waterside and the Shingu performs a soothing ritual. Kagura played at that time is called summer kagura. In addition, it is said that the ring of the rose is raised in front of the shrine, and the circle is passed through it to see the eel.

0629 Minazuki 1.jpg“Mazu Minatsuki”是一个奇怪的名字...... Minazuki是农历六月的同义词,而在六月的旧日历中,由于春天的炎热和水耗尽,春天已经耗尽,但是初夏的心脏无论如何,据说各种各样。

关于日式糕点的“Minazuki”,通常将加糖的azuki bean分散在清醒的面团上(也用烟熏食品和新面粉等制成)蒸熟的东西。它应该是。白色三角形的糖果被认为是通过代表冰来模仿私营部门。

“Nagogoshi no Yui”(Summer Passing,Minazuki Haunting)......将于6月(6月30日)的最后一天举行。对于不同地方的神社和河流,在水边设置神社,新宫进行舒缓的仪式。当时出演的神乐被称为夏日神乐。另外,据说玫瑰的环在神社前面升起,圆圈穿过它看鳗鱼。
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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 10:33| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



    「緑陰」りょくいん・・・夏の強い日差しのもとのよく繁った木や緑の陰の事をいう。日差しの強さを緑陰の陰が涼しさを 与えてくれる。夏木立、木間の滝、岩清水など、言葉だけで涼を感じさせてくれますね。    

“Green shade”: It refers to a well-grown tree or green shade under strong summer sunshine. The shade of the green shade gives coolness to the strength of the sun. You can feel cool with just words, such as Natsukiritsu, Kitama Falls, Iwashimizu. 0611 green shade. Jpg

“绿色阴影”:指夏日强烈阳光下生长良好的树木或绿荫。 绿色阴影的阴影使阳光的强度变得凉爽。 你可以用Natsukiritsu,Kitama Falls,Iwashimizu等单词来感受凉爽。 0611绿荫.Gpg

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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 19:34| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




石竹や紙燭してみる露の玉         許  六

"Ishi-take" Seki-chi ... (Tang-ko) perennial, with one stem and two stems (30 to 60 cm), many branches are crowded. The leaves are linear and pointed and opposite. Put a flower with a shallow cut on a palm-like valve at the end of the branch. There are many types of flower colors. As the country of origin is China, it is also said to be Chinese dumplings.

A stone ball and a dewdrop on a paper candle 

“Ishi-take”Seki-chi ...(Tang-ko)多年生,有一根茎和两根茎(30至60厘米),许多树枝都很拥挤。 叶子是线性的,尖的,相反的。 在分支末端的一个类似手掌的瓣上放一个浅切花。 花色有很多种。 由于原产国是中国,它也被称为中国饺子。

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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 18:56| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



   「蛍草」ほたるぐさ・・・蛍は夏の風物として詩歌に俳句に絵画に多くでてきます。 和菓子の世界でも蛍を表現するお菓子は多くあります。菓銘「蛍籠」「蛍狩」「沢辺の蛍」 「蛍草」「蛍灯」夏の夜に蛍の幻想的な彩りは本当に風情がありますね。昔よく友達などと 蛍狩りに行ったものですが・・・最近は、めっきり行くことがなく寂しい近年を過ごしております。

草の葉を落つるより飛ぶ蛍かな       芭  蕉 

"Firefly" firefly ... Fireflies are often found in poetry, haiku and paintings as a summer feature. Even in the world of Japanese sweets, there are many sweets that express fireflies. Confectionery "Fireflies", "Fireflies", "Sawabe's fireflies", "Flubes", "Fireflies" The fantastic colors of fireflies really have a taste on summer nights. I used to go to the firefly hunting with my friends and so on long ago ... but recently I have not been able to go to plating and have been spending a lot of recent years.

Fireflies Persimmon flying from a fallen leaf of grass

“萤火虫”萤火虫......萤火虫经常在诗歌,ha句和绘画作为夏季特色。 即使在日本糖果的世界里,也有许多表达萤火虫的糖果。 糖果“萤火虫”,“萤火虫”,“Sawabe的萤火虫”,“Flubes”,“萤火虫”萤火虫的奇妙色彩真的很适合夏天的夜晚。 我曾经和我的朋友一起去萤火虫等等很久以前......但是最近我还没去电镀,并且最近几年都花了很多钱。


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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 10:46| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする





"Four-headed flower" Yohira no Hana... Four-headed flower is a hydrangea hydrangea, which is attached to four small flower spheres and opened in "Manyoshu". It is said that. It is a variety of deciduous shrub Gaku-hydrangea of ​​the family Yukinoshita that has been improved for horticulture. In early summer, flowers gather in a spherical shape and bloom. The color of the flower changes from white to blue-purple and magenta, so it is commonly called "seven changes", and it is also called "as you like" because the colors change freely. During the rainy season, the hydrangea that gets wet in the rain around this time has a taste that cannot be said.

“四頭花” Yoranohana ...四頭花是一種繡球繡球,它附著在四個小花球上,在“滿陽集”中被稱為“四頭花”。據說。 Yukinoshita家族的各種落葉灌木Gaku繡球花已為園藝改良。在初夏,花朵聚集成球形並盛開。花的顏色從白色變為藍紫色或洋紅色,因此通常稱為“七種變化”,也被稱為“隨心所欲”,因為顏色可以自由變化。在雨季,這個時候在雨中被雨淋濕的繡球具有無法說的味道。
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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 22:00| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




"Hydrangea" Hydrangea: A variety of deciduous shrubs, hydrangea of ​​the family Yukinoshita, improved for horticulture. In early summer, flowers gather in a spherical shape and bloom. The color of the flower changes from white to blue-purple or magenta, so it is commonly called "seven changes", and it is also called "as you like" because the colors change freely. During the rainy season, the hydrangea that gets wet in the rain around this time has a taste that cannot be said. 

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posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 14:43| 日記 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




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