御菓子所 高八
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着せ綿 Dressed cotton 穿着棉
陰暦では9月のことを長月、夜長月、菊が咲き始めることから菊咲月ともいう。 陰暦の9月9日の重陽の節句の前夜に、菊花の上に綿を乗せて、その綿に菊の香りと露を含ませた綿で、顔を拭うと、いつまでも美しく若返ると言う伝説にちなんだ御菓子です。古来より女性は若く美しくいたいという気持ちは時空を超えて現代でも変らないものなのです。
“Dressing cotton” Dressed cotton… Since 9th of September, it ’s Chengyang (chrysanthemum). One of the five verses is September 9th, which is called the Shigeku, which is the extreme of the sun where the number of nines overlaps.
There are many sweets that express chrysanthemums as an expression of Kamiwa sweets.
In the lunar calendar, September is called the long moon, night long moon, and the chrysanthemum begins to bloom. On the eve of the September 9th of the lunar calendar, a cotton on a chrysanthemum flower, and a cotton with a chrysanthemum fragrance and dew on the cotton, a legend that it will always be beautifully rejuvenated. It's a candy. Since ancient times, women's desire to be young and beautiful has not changed in space and time.
In addition, dressed cotton added a chrysanthemum scent to the kimono and body, and enjoyed the fragrance.
“穿棉”穿着棉...自9月9日起,它就是城阳(菊花)。 五节经文中的一节是9月9日,它被称为Shigeku,农历中,九月被称为长月,夜长月,菊花开始绽放。 在农历九月九日前夕,一朵菊花上的棉花和棉花上带有菊花香气和露珠的棉花,这一传说永远都会美丽地重新焕发活力。 这是一个糖果。 自古以来,女性对年轻和美丽的渴望在空间和时间上都没有它是太阳的极端,其中九个重叠