"Four-headed flower" Yohira no Hana... Four-headed flower is a hydrangea hydrangea, which is attached to four small flower spheres and opened in "Manyoshu". It is said that. It is a variety of deciduous shrub Gaku-hydrangea of the family Yukinoshita that has been improved for horticulture. In early summer, flowers gather in a spherical shape and bloom. The color of the flower changes from white to blue-purple and magenta, so it is commonly called "seven changes", and it is also called "as you like" because the colors change freely. During the rainy season, the hydrangea that gets wet in the rain around this time has a taste that cannot be said.
“四頭花” Yoranohana ...四頭花是一種繡球繡球,它附著在四個小花球上,在“滿陽集”中被稱為“四頭花”。據說。 Yukinoshita家族的各種落葉灌木Gaku繡球花已為園藝改良。在初夏,花朵聚集成球形並盛開。花的顏色從白色變為藍紫色或洋紅色,因此通常稱為“七種變化”,也被稱為“隨心所欲”,因為顏色可以自由變化。在雨季,這個時候在雨中被雨淋濕的繡球具有無法說的味道。
posted by タカハチ たかいしたかお at 22:00|